Schifferstraße 51-55, 27568 Bremerhaven

+49 - 471-4 30 13 Facebook Instagram
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Seafarer’s Mission

Our mission statement

Seamen’s Mission begins with acknowledging that people live and work aboard ships.

The support of the God-given dignity of seafarers
– support of seafarers‘ dignity –
is our mission statement and also the challenge for the German Seamen’s Mission.

The German Seamen’s Mission Bremerhaven is part of a worldwide network that is committed to the support and well-being of seafarers.

We share a common mission statement:

»We are committed to the principles of Christian charity and the responsibility for all people and the one world we live in.
Seamen’s Mission is mainly pastoral care. However, we take a holistic approach which includes the care of body and soul. Things that people enjoy, support their coping skills, give them hope and make them feel at ease, guide us in our diaconal work.«

Seemannsmission Bremerhaven

Schifferstraße 51-55
27568 Bremerhaven

Postfach 120509
27519 Bremerhaven

Tel.: +49 – 471-4 30 13
Fax : +49 – 471-4 17 852
